Layout Design for specific link from Film Page. The user will be able to click on images that are in the scrolling strip, and this is the page that clicking on that image will bring you to. It includes a WHAT?CULTURE rating.
The What?Culture rating is a nice touch, although I wonder if there is a smarter label you could apply to it, that relates to the identity and spirit of What?Culture, but doesn't need to say it… know what i mean? Also, on the film description page, I believe the ? in the logo should be yellow, no? It also seems odd to not have dates, but just running times (include am/pm designator). Finally, how does one get back to the scrolling list of film options once they are on the description page? Instead of depending on the back button, could you include some sort of navigation (maybe even a place for smaller image buttons or a list of events) on this page? That would be great. One last thing: the spacing above your top navigation feels awkward– too much white space above it, I think. Good luck with your final tweaks!
The What?Culture rating is a nice touch, although I wonder if there is a smarter label you could apply to it, that relates to the identity and spirit of What?Culture, but doesn't need to say it… know what i mean? Also, on the film description page, I believe the ? in the logo should be yellow, no? It also seems odd to not have dates, but just running times (include am/pm designator). Finally, how does one get back to the scrolling list of film options once they are on the description page? Instead of depending on the back button, could you include some sort of navigation (maybe even a place for smaller image buttons or a list of events) on this page? That would be great. One last thing: the spacing above your top navigation feels awkward– too much white space above it, I think. Good luck with your final tweaks!