This is a rough drafts of my idea for the website. I want the website to be graphically strong, this is why there is the strip in the middle running to the edges of the website that will contain images. The images will slowly move from right to left as you view the website. The images will change depending on the page that is being viewed. For example, if you were on the events page and selected the film category, then the images in the strip would all change to film images that relate to the events going on for that month. It would be a nice way to highlight some of the major events for each category.
Navigation categories on the website include: About Us / Events / Support / Calendar
I plan on creating the layouts for About Us, one event for the Events page, and a Calendar page.
Looks good– consider inclusion of the question mark as a navigational element (or something) and the text of the sections should appear in the display font you used in your booklet. Good progress.